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Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Sunscreen - SPF 55 -- Sunscreen Products Product Reviews |
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Natural Sunblock for the Beach (Report Review)
Aug 12, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
When you take your child to the beach or to the pool, what do you use for sunscreen protection for them? I used to use the Water Baby brand or Banana Boat until someone recommended that I try the Aveeno Baby Continous Protection Sunscreen. I have heard of Aveeno from the television and I have seen my friends use the brand but I had never tried any of their products in the past until I began to use their sunscreen.
I like the idea that the sunscreen is going to last longer than any of the name brand popular brands of sunscreen and that it also helps to protect my son from the harmful rays of the sun. I even had a pediatrician recommend to me that this sunblock be used for days at the pool or at the beach. I had no idea that even a doctor would recommend that I use this product.
The Aveeno sunblock is going to be waterproof as well as contain no perfumes or dyes. I have a older child who can not be around strong odors such as your typical sunblock because of Asthma but with this sunblock, this is not an issue for him. I can place this sunscreen on him and not worry that the perfumes or odors from it are going to trigger an asthma attack.
The sunscreen has oatmeal in it which helps to moisturize the skin as well as well as being combined with other active ingredients that help protect the skin when in the water and out. I also like the fact that many of the inactive ingredients are all natural ingredients which you do not get with any other brand of sunblock. This formula also does not make my son’s skin greasy and actually helps his skin with his eczema.
Pros: |
has oatmeal which helps eczema as well. |