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Aveeno Baby Shampoo Product Reviews

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Aveeno Baby Shampoo

Brand: Aveeno
Rating: (4.00)
Reviews: 1

Good For All Skin Types (Report Review)
Aug 12, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (4)
Since my son has issues with eczema and being allergic to any number of the baby products, I have to use and rely on certain products such as Aveeno. I love Aveeno because many of their products have oatmeal in them which helps to not only moisturize my son’s skin but it also helps to relieve any symptoms that he may have from the presence of eczema. That is one of the main reasons that anytime one of my friends has a baby, I highly recommend to them that they use the Aveeno baby product.

The Aveeno baby wash and shampoo contains an all natural oat extract that will blend together to make a great lather for washing my son’s thick hair as well as wash for his body. The cleanser in the Aveeno baby shampoo and wash is going to allow me to scrub my son and believe me he needs it to help remove any of the numerous food items that he may have found himself making a mess with today. The soap is also soap free and is considered to be hypoallergenic. I have purchased many products that state that they are hypoallergenic and they were not in fact however this one really does not irritate his skin.

My older son is still a cry baby when it comes to getting soap or shampoo in his eyes and when I use this Aveeno baby shampoo, he does not whine or cry to get the shampoo out of his eyes. The formula really is tear free and is gentle enough that I will be able to use it on a daily basis and there are times that I actually have to use it twice a day. I like the fact that it is a soft scent that is left behind and that the formula is so gentle that I could use it on my newborn, when he was a newborn that is. For any of my family members who have sensitive skin, I always recommend Aveeno.
Pros:  Can be used even on a newborn.
Soft smell left behind.
Cons:  Needs to come in a much bigger bottle.

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