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ELASTA QP Super Gro Hair Strengthener & Scalp Treatment QP 4 oz Treatment Unisex Product Reviews |
Recent Reviews View all Hair Loss Treatments Products Reviews |
love this product (Report Review)
Aug 29, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (5)
I love this product because it makes my hair feel so much better and moisturized and it doesnt feel really greasy which i love. It makes my hair really smooth,soft and straight. I use this product both day and not for the full effect and it works like a charm. This product is very effective and it isnt expensive at all. It is very affordable. This is my go to styling product when i want to strenghthen my hair and make it shine and be soft. This and my hair straightener make a very good pair because my straightener seals in the moisture and makes my hair shine with this product. My boyfriend also uses this product and it makes his hair look very good and moisturized without it being all greasy and flaky. It has also made my hair longer with repeated uses so i really would recommend this product to anyone who wants to strengthen their hair and make it transform from dull and dry to silky and smooth. Great for guys too! Doesnt flake up after you wear it a while. I will continue using this product.
Pros: |
strengthens hair
grows hair |