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Sealy Hastings III Euro Pillow-Top Product Reviews

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Sealy Hastings III Euro Pillow-Top

Brand: Sealy
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

A Matserpiece of Sealy! (Report Review)
Aug 04, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (5)
Sealy Hasting lll pillow- top is surely one of the best available mattresses in the market. Not only with the looks it appeals you, but its quality is really praise worthy too. Entering into the house after a long hard day at office, nothing more than this mattress will comfort you, physically ;). The Sealy owners always claim that their mattresses will help you sleep in a better and more comfortable way, and this mattress has proved their words a hundred percent true. I have been using it since one year, and so far it has comforted me very efficiently.
Sealy`s Hasting lll pillow- top is made up with the best of wood, foam and fabric. Its latest titanium DS coil provides you with dual stage conforming support for all the bed time needs (both on surface and deep down support underneath). Its unique surround handles offer a graceful wrap-around design which helps in gripping, and making the change of bed sheets, and even the movement of bed easier than ever before. Of course, it is very soft also, but yet its support has not dimmed a bit. Coming after a laborious day, needing rest and comfort, none other mattress can be a better choice that this master piece of Sealy. It is available in a good variety of colors and sizes also, and the best thing about this mattress is that it can match almost any room settings. Since its release, the ratings of the company which were already stable, improved even more. Unlike most of the others available of this quality, it`s price is reasonable too!
Thus in a nutshell, this mattress is a superb combination of quality and durability at a reasonable price. Bring this product like I did, and it won`t just flush your home, but also make you feel the worth of your money.
Sleep in Heaven (Report Review)
Jul 24, 2011 by Adavliatsh
Consumer rating: (5)
We bought Sealy Euro Pillow top mattress in a queen and a twin sizes. It took us a few days to adjust to them and for mattresses to become soft, now we love them The mattress is really soft yet has a good support.

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